by Tuncer Deniz Mark Allender spent the better part of this year working on the port of Descent to the Mac. After he finished, we sat down with Allender to talk about Descent for the Macintosh. IMG: Please tell us how Parallax got started. Allender:   IMG: How long did it take to develop Descent for the PC? Allender:   IMG: What separates Descent from all the other first-person perspective games? Allender:   IMG: How important is having multi-player networking in games today? Allender:   IMG: I hear the port of Descent to the Mac was your first Mac project. When was the port started and what kind of problems did you encounter along the way? Allender:   IMG: I also hear Descent will eventually support QuickDraw 3D. Can you explain what this is and what the benefits are? Allender:   IMG: Are you working on a Descent 2? What kind of new features will Descent 2 have? Allender:   IMG: When can we expect a Mac version of Descent 2? Allender: